Sushi knife set in Egypt

February 21, 2019

Sushi knife set in Egypt

Hailing from Kansai, Japan, the Yanagiba Knifeis one of the best Japanese chef knives set in Egypt you canfind. The term Yanagiba, better known as the ultimate sushi knife set in Egypt, is derived from the Japanese word “willow leaf”. If you'veever seen a blade, it makes perfect sense as the Yanagida blade (sometimes justcalled yangi) has a slender blade that is as long as a willow leaf.


The very thin blade of Yanagiba is ideal forconstantly chopping liquids and makes this knife the dream of every sushi chef.Without a long blade, raw fish cannot be safely cut from top to bottom in onefixed motion.

The blade is usually only sharpened on oneside, which means that it is referred to as a single beveled blade. Incomparison, the Japanese Sujihiki knife will come relatively close to theYanagiba. While Yanagiba's conical blades ensure precise cutting, smoothoperation, and clean cutting every time, Sujihiki offers a different taste onboth sides, which acts like chopping fresh meat and fish.

Best fish bone tweezers in Egypt

Nowadays, removing needle bones from fishfillets is a tedious and arduous process that can cause painful and permanentdamage to workers' carpal tunnels. Depending on the fish species, automatedsystems can only be used post-mortem.

Solutions available include manually removingthe needle bone with the best fish bone tweezers in Egypt orautomatically removing the device, which causes significant bone fractures andis difficult to remove even after the mortar has been placed. Therefore, thereis a clear need in the market for a machine that can be used in various typesincluding salmon and tilapia, in both harsh and harsh conditions, fresh orsmoked.

Quality kitchen knives in Egypt


Here in Sekeen store, we depend on the mosthigh-quality kitchen knives in Egypt. Knives are probably the only kitchen tools that you should be usingwhile cooking. Even a stove can be optional - you can make a salad or tartarewithout it, for example, but a good chef's knife is essential. Humans' relianceon knives is declining - some scientists say what made us humans was when somepre-human ancestors used raw stone for grinding about two and a half millionyears ago. Cutting, dividing, storing, and transporting meat allowed us to burnmore calories and interact with each other in different ways. Our brains gotbigger, our jaws got smaller, our tools got more sophisticated, and ourcollaboration improved - the entire evolution of human history was ignited witha knife.

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